are iguanas good pets what about bearded dragons?

im thinking of getting a iguana are they good pets give me information about them please
how big does their tank need to be

are they better then bearded dragons
how big do bearded dragons grow how much are they
how big do they grow how big does their thank need to be

9 Responses to “are iguanas good pets what about bearded dragons?”

  • Karlie:

    Bearded dragons grow to be about 2 feet and they need like a 10 gallon tank

  • BWD:

    2 foot lizard in a ten gallon tank?

    First Iguanas are not very good first pets. They get large and require a lot of attention and care. And are not always thankful for it. 🙁

    Bearded Dragons can get close to 2 feet but average about a foot and a half. I would suggest the cage be at least twice as long as the lizard, and at least as deep as the length of the lizard. Keep in mind they need a proper diet of veggies and insects mixed with a calcium supplement. And require UV lighting. If cared for right they are very good pets.

    Make sure you do some reading up on their care first though.

  • roosterboy314:

    Iguanas(at least in my opinion) don’t make good pets. They grow to be 6 feet long and require a lot of room and food(HUGE amount! As much as one room when full grown). I still like them but i don’t think they make good pets. About $40

    On the other hand bearded dragons are pretty simple. They require about ten gallons for one when they are a baby or a twenty long for 2-3. When they get older they need a bigger tank(About twenty gallons a piece is good if i am right) They cost about $50

  • Calikchick:

    Ok..I have an Iguana..He is a very good boy..But he does need a lot of attention..They grow to b about 6 feet on average..And they can be feisty. So i would go with the beardy..

  • Gecko097:

    iguanas sometimes hate yo its 50/50 that they like yo they requires hard work its worth it

  • johnny g:

    If you are looking for timid, attractive, hardy and medium sized lizard, the bearded dragon fits that profile. Iguanas are not bad lizards but they grow large (up to 6ft with tail length) and require a pretty big enclosure when they become large adults. Almost the size of a small room. Baby bearded dragons can start out in a small enclosure like a 20 gallon long for a short time. They grow fast and expect them to require a larger enclosure (up to 65-75 gallon) as the become fully grown adults. Adult sizes for bearded dragons range from 16″-24″ inches. Some iguanas exibit aggressive behavior as sub-adults and when reaching sexual maturity. Some can be unpredictably hard to handle as large adults and their claws become large and sharp. I hope this helps… Prices for bearded dragons can vary between $45-$69

  • MJ:

    Iguanas are six foot + lizards with attitudes and a tail that feels like a bat if it hits you.
    On the other hand Iguanas are also really cool and calm when tame. I have one and love him to death. He’s just a baby but he’s in a 55 gallon tank right now and adults need a cage about 7ft high 7ft long and 4-5ft deep. The housing is the most expensive to me, but they are one time buys unlike the food and lighting, which you’ll have to replace every week to every six months.

    Bearded dragons are 2ft long softies. They can be mean, but it’s rare. You’d have to be pretty crule to make a beardie mean.
    Anyway, they can live in a 40-50gallon tank their entire life so that shouldn’t be a problem. They are a lot cheaper then iguanas in the long run, not when you buy them though. And I don’t think they live as long as iguanas (igs: 15-20years BD: 10-15 I think). I don’t think BD’s have negatives, just that they need crickets (or silkworms/pheonix worms) as apart of their diet and igs only need veggies.

    They can both be good pets, it just depends on how much money and time you want to put into them. The only way I’d suggest the iguana however is if you will turely love it because it may not love you back.

    Good luck with whatever you choose and remember to do lots and lots of research before buying!

  • evanescence_fr3ak:

    Young iguanas under 8-12 months should not live in anything smaller then a 55 gallon tank. After that time you can put the iguana into an adult size enclosure which should be around 6-7ft tall x 8-10ft long x 4ft wide. Iguanas you only have a 50/50 chance if he/she will tolerate you, so you may or may not end up w/ an aggressive iguana in time. Males can get 6ft tall average, females can get 5ft tall average. If given the proper care can life 15-20yrs. Iguanas should only be feed good staple greens (collard, mustard, turnip, endive, etc) … NO BUGS!
    A great book to read and have on hand:
    Iguanas for Dummies by Melissa Kaplan

    Bearded Dragons on the other hand are usually a lot calmer in nature w/ the human care taker. Usually do not show aggression as they are younger or older. BD can outgrow 20gallon tank w/in the first year, so it’s always best to just start out w/ the adult enclosure, which is 65gallon or bigger. BD can eat good greens like iguanas eat, but they do need bugs. BD can get 22inches in length. Live somewhere between 5-12yrs. How much are they? That depends on where you buy them, some pet stores can charge $50 or more, some breeders might charge less or more.

    Both need UVB and heat. There are some bad so called UVBs on the market that can cause eye damage to reptiles.

  • lbaker2656:

    I keep both. First iguanas – they dont make good pets especially if you are a first time lizard owner. They grow big – up to 6 ft and yes they need a huge tank (preferably their own small room!) They can be aggressive and as they are so big difficult to handle. Their environment and food needs to be exactly right otherwise they suffer from metabolic bone disease. You need an awful lot of time and money commitment for an ig – theres a reason rescue centres are stuffed with them.
    Beardies – grow to about 2 ft. Mine is in a 4ft x 2ft x 2 ft tank. They are easier to handle and look after. Look up bearded dragon care sheets on the internet before you buy one. This will give you an idea of the cost and commitment needed to look after one.

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