What You Need To Know About Iguanas Ecology

Iguanas, specially the wild ones are crucial part of the ecosystem; a slight change in the population of Iguanas in the wild can harm the total balance of the ecosystem. So when setting up your own pet house you need to know things about the proper iguana ecology so that it can feel comfortable in your captivity.

One thing that you will probably notice is that iguana ecology is not an easy task to replicate and the iguanas themselves are not that easy to take care of too. Iguanas like most reptiles are solely dependant on their environment for their most basic needs like heat and body chemistry. Iguanas use wavelengths of light on its environment to aid with their metabolism.

These animals are very well-tailored to their natural habitat, which are humid and warm environment which can be very different from the confined cells that they are when in your captivity. So if you can provide an environment that is conducive to live in for the iguanas they might get sick or even die.

Basically an iguana needs the following to survive under captivity: A large cage or room is a crucial thing in your iguanas growth, you have to keep in mind that a fully grown and properly cared for iguana can grow up to six feet long. A large 55 gallon aquarium is barely enough in your iguanas first year growth.

At most the minimum height of an iguana’s cage should be six feet tall and twice the length of the Iguana. Iguanas are know to be arboreal so they feel much comfortable up on high places like a tree so be sure to include even just a small branch on you cage for them to hang on. The total width of your iguana’s cage must be at least half the iguana’s length.

The rule of the thumb should be the larger the cage the healthier.

A small cage can harm your iguana’s growth and can even injure and stress them out. They can even cause muscle weakness due to the small amount of space that they can crawl in causing them to be stagnant on one place and build fat and hinder the much needed exercise to burn them.

The room temperature should also be taken into consideration, a basking should be provided with a temperature of ninety to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and the air temperature should not be lower than that what they are accustomed to which is eighty degrees Fahrenheit.

Proper room temperature aids the iguanas with their digestion process. On the other hand, the inadequate supply of it can cause illness in your iguana’s digestive system.

Your iguana should also have a day and night cycle so you have to find ways to provide heat without the lights on night times.

As you can notice, providing your iguana with the right kind of habitat is crucial to its health and growth. These things that are stated about are a must for an iguana to be able to survive in your captivity. Not being able to provide this stuff may cause death to your pet. Just try to get the right information about your iguanas need and everything will work out just fine. Having an iguana pet is not an easy thing but it I surely an enjoyable sight to watch your iguana grow.

Learn about red iguana and green iguanas at the Iguana Care site.

My pet iguana, how do I quickly get rid of him?

I’m moving into a new place that doesn’t allow any pets and I can’t find anyone that will take my iguana. Are there any places that will take him?
Shelynn, I’ve had this iguana for 7 years now and have given him the best care. I hate having to get rid of him but there’s no way around it given my situation. Don’t act as though I’m some dumb kid who bought an iguana and changed his mind about it a couple weeks later.

Iguana Illnesses That Need Immediate Attention

Like humans, these iguanas actually also fall ill. If you have learned to love your pet iguanas, you might as well want to keep them for long. Here are some of the most common iguana illnesses that require immediate veterinary attention and proper medication or else you will lose your pets.

Fibrous Osteodystrophy or the metabolic bone disease. This iguana illness comes as a result of extreme malnutrition especially when they are not fed well. Most of the shops selling the iguanas give out worthy nutritional tips and advices to the buyers of these reptiles. Most of the pet owners prefer to feed their pets with squash and lettuce. In truth, the lettuce is a water sponge-meaning there is no nutrition to be derived from it. Such shortcoming is again aggravated by the insufficient vitamin D3 and calcium intake by the reptile. When they get exposed to this dangerous situation, they might in fact die. Among the vital symptoms of the disease are a swollen lower jaw, listlessness, rubbery or soft face and lower jaw, difficulty in eating, and swollen limbs. At most times, the spine and the limbs also easily get fractured.

The paralysis of the back legs. This is the result of a deficiency in vitamin B1. The tail also gets affected. With this comes the injection of the essential minerals and vitamins to the reptile and a change in its diet is as well recommended.

The nose abrasions. The frequent attempts of the reptile to escape cause the abrasions and scratches to its face and nose. When they are in search for a way to escape, they often rub their noses on the enclosures of their tanks. The abrasions are often caused by the wire, glass, or plastic enclosures of their cages. When the nose abrasions remain untreated, ulceration of the rostrum, bacterial infection, and other deformities could result.

The thermal injuries or burns. The burns are usually acquired through the contact with the heat sources within the tank enclosures. Among the typical culprits are the hot rocks and light bulbs which are left exposed. The lights are advised to be placed above the enclosures which cannot be reached by the iguana.

The bacterial infection. There are several types of bacterial infection that can affect the iguana. The blister disease is caused by the repeated exposure to the filthy and damp environment. The dry gangrene of the toes and tails causes these body parts to turn dark gray to black, and then start to have it breaking off. The main root of these all is the insufficient sanitation. Mouth rot causes the occurrence of inflammation, swelling, and pus in the mouth of the iguana. Abscesses results in the formation of the pus.

The parasites. The parasites settle within the gastrointestinal tract just within the blood of the iguana. The parasites are the major causes of death in the iguanas which are taken captive.

Viral Infection. Researches are ongoing for the causes and cure of viral infections in iguanas.

Organ failure. Organ failure among iguanas is caused by its age or of an existing bacterial infection. The dominant symptoms are weight loss, loss of appetite, listlessness, bloating, and death.

Bladder stones. This causes the abdomen to be enlarged.

Egg-binding. This causes death among the female iguanas especially when they are unable to let the egg pass through their reproductive tracts.

These and a lot other iguana illnesses require medical attention if you do not want to risk the life of your iguana pet.

To read about iguana cage and iguana diet, visit the Iguana Care site.

The Types Of Iguana Nests

The breeding of the iguanas which are taken captive has risen to several controversies. This is said to actually limit the existing demands for iguanas which are still imported from the iguana farms of the Central and South America. Why not? The iguana pet owners will certainly provide the iguana nests and initiate the breeding of the reptiles. But then, the iguana pet owners have seen the brighter side of the matter. They are in truth making money out of the iguana nests! The adult iguanas are being bred while the iguana babies are sold. Today, the iguanas are sold in a very cheap price therefore giving the impression that the iguanas are disposable pets.

There are the pros and cons too of having iguana nests and breeding the reptiles. For one, the breeding of the iguanas is such a wonderful thing to enjoy and experience. The mother iguana tries its best to be resourceful enough to find a good place to lay its eggs and wait until they get hatched. With the natural or artificial iguana nests, the mother iguanas settle their babies. As a con to the breeding of an iguana, as the reptiles increase in number, the more space the owner needs to house them. Feeding them likewise becomes a problem. The control of the iguanas tends to be hard to be maneuvered especially that they are already too many. Those who are only given proper attention and nutrition are likely to stay healthy, fit and able to survive.

So as to ensure that the reproduction will go on smoothly, it is advisable to place iguanas of the opposite sex together especially during the breeding season. It is right to group the iguanas according to the size and ratio. There should be one male and one or more females. The male iguanas are typically smaller than the female iguanas because if the opposite thing happens, the latter may end up killing the male during the mating.

You can likewise try out some media for the iguana nest you are creating. You can try out the 100% potting soil wherein the eggs can be buried, the 50% play sand and 50 % potting soil, or the 100% play sand which is much easier for the female iguana to dig into and thus making it possible for the pit formation to settle the eggs into. Also put in your mind that the iguana nest must be safe for your pests. The environment of the iguana nest should make the reptiles safe against the possible abrasions, scratches, and other injuries.

The nesting box must be durable enough to hold up to 200 pounds of the soil or sand that you will include in the iguana nest. You can add up some tray planter with the other end cut off so that there will be some sort of tunnel for the iguana to play on. If you would like to use some cheaper alternatives, the wooden boxes or plastic trash may do. Just ensure again the safety of the reptiles.

It is important that you monitor the laying of the eggs of your pet. At times not all eggs are laid which may result to some problem on the female iguana’s part. Do not interrupt when the female iguanas guard their nests. It is some sort of mother’s instinct too.

Information on iguana facts can be found at the Iguana Care site.

The Iguanas Lizards Photos

One of the most exotic animals that are kept as pet nowadays is the iguana. Many pet shops do offer some iguanas at reasonable rates. Iguanas are now considered as among the extraordinary favorite pets of people of all ages. They see iguanas as cute strange pets, something weird and wonderful and out of the ordinary.

Just like any pet, iguanas need proper care and attention. Now people would think that it’s just easy to care for a pet iguana, but it’s not. There are some important things you have to consider when housing an iguana. In fact there are several iguana caring tips that you can find in the internet. These tips usually come with iguanas lizards photos to make the discussion more interesting and clear to the readers.

A cage is needed to house the iguana unless you want them to roam freely in your house. The cage must be large enough to house your pet. The size will also vary based on the exact size of the iguana pet but the ideal size is up to 6 feet long. It is also important that there’s a sufficient supply of water in the cage, some stuff for the animal to climb on and a hiding place. The cage should be twice the size of the iguana since they are considered to be arboreal, meaning they love to climb.

Iguanas are herbivores. They eat different kinds of green leafy vegetable and fruits as well. Basically, their diet should be composed of tofu at least twice a week, lettuce, broccoli, berries like blackberries and raspberries, and oranges. Fresh food and water is the foremost thing that you have to take into account in taking good care of an iguana lizard. The water and food that should be served to the iguana should be fresh at all times. Unclean water as well as spoiled food can cause some health problems to the iguana that’s why it’s so important to choose the right food for your pet. It’s best to feed your pet lizard early in the morning. This is in view of the fact that food in the morning enables proper digestion.

The cage of your pet iguana should have proper heating. It is of high importance that the iguana should be heated by a light or heat pad. Hot rocks are not necessary for they can lead to the killing or burning of your pet iguana lizard. The ideal heating for the cage is approximately between 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 92 degrees Fahrenheit. If the iguana is not heated properly, it may lead to the iguana’s food indigestion.

Proper lighting is also of the essence in caring for an iguana. Iguanas when deprived with UV lighting usually become ill with a disease known as MBD or Metabolic Bone Disease. It’s important that your pet lizard is allowed to laze around under the sun. The cage should have special fluorescent that are usually purchased in pet shops that sell some pet supplies.

The cleanliness of your friend iguana is also of the essence. Your iguana and its cage should be cleaned regularly. Proper hygiene of your pet should be practiced so as to prevent it from getting sick. Iguanas are identified to be carrying bacteria known as Salmonella. To keep your pet iguana safe from the threats of these bacteria, it’s best to keep them clean all the time.

Read about red iguana and green iguanas at the Iguana Care website.

Iguana Ownership 101

An iguana pet sounds cool, but caring for an iguana is very different from taking care of a dog, cat or hamster. Any person who’s thinking of owning this pet should have some knowledge of an iguana’s requirements for it to lead a good life.

They are tropical animals accustomed to a hot and humid environment. In order to ensure your iguana pet has a long, happy and healthy life, you should replicate its original habitat and diet as closely as possible. A large tank or cage is important in order to contain your pet while also giving it enough space to move around freely. Iguanas love to climb, so be sure to provide a branch for them to perch on too.

It’s important for you to handle them with care. While they are solid looking lizards, you should never pick up an iguana by its tail. The animal can be injured, the tail could break off, or both! As the owner, you should also make it a habit to trim the claws of his iguana pet. If left unmaintained, you can get nasty scratches if you handle this pet roughly or carelessly. Regular visits to the vet are also important to ensure the continued health of your pet.

Feeding doesn’t just involve dropping manufactured iguana food into its feeding bowl. They require fresh vegetables. You should never even consider giving them any form of animal protein as this can lead to kidney failure in an animal that is an avowed herbivore. Vegetables like iceberg lettuce should be avoided too, as they are rich in moisture but not much else.

Buying an iguana from the pet store or rescuing one from a shelter is only the beginning of a serious responsibility. This pet will then rely entirely on its owner for shelter, food and care, so please don’t let it down!

At the end, I’d like to share cool website with more information on topics like Iguana Care Sheet and Iguana Pet . Visit for more details.